Writing as a Daily Practice

by Healmyvoice on July 3, 2014

By Kathleen Nelson Troyer

Heal My Voice Author and Board Member




I have been wanting to establish a daily writing practice for myself for a long time.  A few weeks ago I decided that it was time to listen to and act on this desire. I set a goal for myself to write for a minimum of 15 minutes every day without any judgment or editing.

I haven’t missed a day yet.  I find myself looking forward to my writing time every day.  Most days, I take some time to meditate before I start writing. I find that it helps me to be grounded, connected, and present before writing. Sometimes the writing topic gets decided during the meditation.

I’m feeling good about this new daily writing practice.  There are days when I sit down and the words flow freely and before I know it an hour has passed. And there are days where it feels challenging to complete 15 minutes.  This writing is for my eyes only, so I don’t feel the need to edit myself.  In fact, the less I edit myself, the more freely the writing seems to flow.  Almost every day has had some form of automatic writing. The wisdom that has come through has felt playful, expansive and surprisingly nourishing.  It is like my soul is speaking to me through my writing. How cool is that??

Since I can write about anything, I am finding myself writing about all sorts of things. Some days I write questions for myself, take a few breaths and then write the answers to the questions.  One day I wrote an outline for the book I am writing this year.  And several days I have added items to my to-do list after the writing period was done. Most days, my soul reminds me that I am guided, guarded and protected at all times.  That is always a welcome reminder…:)

I am a big believer in doing something every day that brings you closer to your desires, goals and dreams.  Developing this daily practice of writing supports my goals and helps me to stay connected to my inner wisdom, which by the way is one of my core desired feelings.

I want to invite you to join me in developing a daily practice for yourself.  It may be writing or it may be something else that you desire, but haven’t carved out the time and made the comittment to yourself.  There is something magical about being so committed to something that you carve out time every day for it.

How often do you write?  Do you write daily?  Do you have any rituals that you do to establish a writing space for yourself? Any tips for aspiring writers?

Please feel free to share any questions, answers or thoughts in the comments section below.

Here’s to developing a daily practice of your own!



kathleen_0006Kathleen Nelson Troyer is the founder of Gently Moving Forward and CEO of Jigsaw Staffing Solutions Inc.  She works with organizations and individuals as a human resources consultant, trainer, career coach and mentor.  She is passionate about facilitating aligned connections between people and organizations. Kat coaches her clients to become more congruent in their work and personal lives.

Kat has been studying human potential, psychology and transformation for the past 25 years.  She holds master level certifications in coaching, NLP, and Ericksonian Hypnosis. She has an expansive toolkit of holographic, mindset, and healing modalities. Kat believes in the power of forgiveness, love and gratitude to create massive positive shifts in our lives.

She leads intensive individual and group retreats and facilitates family and systemic constellations.  Kat lives in a seaside cottage with a magical garden about 25 miles south of San Francisco near Half Moon Bay, California with her fabulous husband John, their dog and three cats.

Kat has participated as an author in three Heal My Voice book circles:  Empowered Voices, Harmonic Voices and Voices of Feminine Leadership.  She wrote the blessing for Voices of Love.  Her experience with Heal My Voice has helped her to step into greater leadership in her business and her life.  So much so that she joined our board.


Kat’s upcoming events:

Join Kat for her 4 week tele-class Gently Moving Forward from Clutter to Clarity this coming September.  Tell her that Heal My Voice sent you and receive a free extra coaching session to support you during the program.

Journey Into Being Retreat November 2nd through 5th.

Join Kat and and Empowered Voices Author Coach Elizabeth Love in the Outer Banks of North Carolina as we retreat, vision and align with our ability to powerfully move forward and claim the life we desire. We will explore the natural beauty of Crystal Coast and call on our higher selves to bring aligned clarity into our lives.  Expect deep connection, laughter and profound growth, in a loving and safe environment. Space is filling up quickly. Reserve your spot now! It is going to be amazing!



Gently Moving Forward around the web

Website:  www.gentlymovingforward.net

Facebook: Like the Gently Moving Forward Page for daily inspiration.

Twitter: @dailykat

Contact: kat@gentlymovingforward.net


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