From Amber Scott, A Heal My Voice Board Member:
January 28, 2014:
Nine dedicated women gathered for an extended weekend on a snowy island, beside a frozen lake, around a cozy fireplace to structure and execute the vision, plans, programs, roles, and fundraising for Heal My Voice. The silence of nature encouraged our voices, while the beautiful window view kept our energy high through hours of discussion and strategic planning for a year packed with programs to empower and support women and girls globally to heal, reclaim their voices, and step into greater leadership in their lives and the world.
Since the birth of Heal My Voice 3-years ago by Andrea Hylen, this is the first time the board members were able to come together face-to-face to focus our attention on strategic planning. Our lodging and meeting space was lovingly donated by an anonymous donor. We prepared each other soul food, filled-up our gas tanks, purchased plane tickets to fly across the country and invested countless time and energy into the mission and operations of HMV. We are extremely juiced and continue to hold space for an abundance of volunteers, resources, and funds to organically and magnetically manifest.
NOW is YOUR chance to make a difference in the lives positively impacted by HMV. We ask you to head over to the HMV website and click the donate button. Our immediate desire is to receive with love and gratitude at least $2,222 to reimburse travel expenses to our dedicated board. We invite additional funding to support our healing book circles and exciting new projects including a scholarship fund.
May you be blessed and receive 10 times back that which your heart gives. Without you, none of this would be possible.
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