Creating Connection With Ceremony And Ritual

by Healmyvoice on July 26, 2014

By Beth Terrence, Heal My Voice Author, Facilitator And Board Member

CircleOne of the greatest diseases of our times is the sense of disconnection that is felt with ourselves, others and the world.   By bringing ceremony and ritual into our daily lives, we can begin to reconnect to the sacredness and beauty of life.   It can be a way to rediscover ourselves, to align with our soul purpose and to deepen our sense of connection with all things.  In many ways, we can view our writing as a ritual and we can also incorporate ceremony and ritual in our lives in a way that supports our writing.

Many people come from backgrounds where ceremony and ritual was some part of a religious upbringing.  For some, that is something that is continued on special occasions , during religious services or maybe even in daily life.  For others, it is something that may have been abandoned as life progressed in new ways.  For some, it may not have been part of growing up at all.  Writing is a way we can reconnect with ourselves, too.  By being intentional, we can use our writing as a form of ceremony and ritual or we can also create ceremony or ritual to support our process of writing.

In our Heal My Voice programs, we take time to honor our choices and transitions.  We suggest using ceremony and ritual in a variety of ways to enhance writing and life.  We encourage participants to create ceremony and ritual to support their process of healing and transformation, to celebrate their stories as they are emerging and ultimately upon completion.  Although most Heal My Voice circles are a virtual experience, it is clear that during this time we enter into sacred space and upon completion we emerge back into the world “a new woman”.

Using ceremony and ritual is a way to honor and acknowledge the changes and transitions that we all experience in life.

Some of the ways that ceremony and ritual can support us include:

  • Paying tribute to important life events and honoring our transitions
  • Being in harmony with the seasons and rhythms of nature
  • Creating sacredness in our lives
  • Honoring our ancient traditions or creating new ones
  • Releasing attachments to energies, relationships and situations, which are no longer serve us
  • Calling in energies and intentions we wish to bring forward
  • Evoking an ecstatic state of being and connecting at a soul level
  • Helping to heal our fundamental spiritual wound – the illusion of separateness from creation
  • Supporting specific healing for ourselves, others and the world
  • Aligning our energy with the present moment
  • Helping us to be more fully conscious and awake
  • Gaining clarity and understanding our experiences
  • Accessing spiritual guidance and wisdom

Ceremony can be something we do individually, with others or in community.  However we choose to create it, ceremony is a way to step out of the busyness of our lives and the world of linear time into sacred space where deeper understanding, healing and wisdom resides.  Ceremony, in and of itself, is a paradigm shift.   It can help us to focus on our visions and intentions and begin to draw them into the world of matter, allowing them to become manifest.

Rituals are specific rites or tools we use as part of ceremony.  They can also be used to create sacredness in any moment.  Many shamans begin the day by honoring the directions and connecting with the elements of nature.  Many people begin their day with meditation or prayer of some kind.  Whatever it is, beginning the day with some type of ritual or spiritual practice is a powerful way to move consciously into your daily life.  Some ways to create ritual include:

  • Lighting a candle
  • Setting an intention
  • Burning sage or other healing herbs such as sweet grass, yerba santé or cedar
  • Setting up an altar and arranging spiritually meaningful articles or pictures on it
  • Drumming, rattling, chanting, singing or listening to music or sounds of nature
  • Reciting prayers silently or aloud or reading from a sacred text
  • Cultivating a meditation practice
  • Being in silence and honoring the sacredness that comes from that space

As a practicing shaman and healer, ceremony and ritual is a core practice for me.  It is not based on any one religion or tradition but on generating a strong connection with spirit, receiving guidance and living in an intentional way.  Whether you choose to practice ceremony and ritual with others or on your own, it is important to create practices that support you in the present moment.  Here are some questions to consider in creating a ceremony or ritual practice:

  • What is your intention?  What is the reason for the ceremony or ritual?
  • Will it be personal, with another person or group?
  • What elements or tools need to be gathered?  What preparation needs to happen?
  • What will the structure of the ceremony or ritual be? Who will perform it? Where will it be done?
  • Are there any prayers, readings, songs, poems, and dances, etc. that you wish to include?
  • How will you open and close the ceremony?

Ceremony and ritual can be a beneficial part of daily spiritual practice.  It can help to align our energies in the present moment and to bring increased harmony to our lives.  Take some time this week to consider what you would like to create in your life and how ceremony and ritual may support that process.  Explore whether there is some ceremony or ritual that might support your writing process, too.  Whether it is creating a ceremony with a specific intention or incorporating a ritual into your daily life, notice how this experience invokes a deeper sense of connection with yourself, others and the world.

Many Blessings,




Beth Terrence is a Shaman, Holistic Health & Wellness Expert, Speaker and Writer.  She has been working in the field of Holistic Healing and Transformation for over 18 years.  This path evolved from her own healing journey through fibromyalgia and the impact of trauma on her life.  Beth found that by taking a holistic approach to life and well-being, she was able to achieve of a state of happiness and wholeness that she never imagined was possible.  Her mission is to support others in cultivating a heart-centered, balanced and joyful life through discovering the healer within.

Writing has always been one of Beth’s greatest passions.  Since childhood, she has written poetry and kept a journal.  Participating in a Heal My Voice project opened the door to Beth stepping forward in the world as a writer.  Her stories are featured in Inspired Voices: True Stories of Visionary Women and Harmonic Voices: True Stories Of Women On The Path To Peace.  Beth joined the Heal My Voice board of directors in May 2013.  Additionally, she is the lead facilitator and program developer for a Heal My Voice program that brings writing and creativity to women in addiction recovery at Chrysalis House in Crownsville, MD.

Beth is available for Integrative Transformational Healing Sessions & Programs by Phone/Skype or in person in Annapolis, MD.  She offers a variety of classes, workshops and trainings on Holistic Healing, Transformation, Writing and Creativity in the MD/DC/VA area and virtually.  Beth also writes regularly on her own blog, The Heart Of Awakening: Searching For A New Paradigm, an online resource for transformation and healing. To learn more about Beth’s Integrative Transformational Healing Services, visit

Beth’s Take A Break Summer Special Offer:

20% Off All Sessions By Phone/Skype Or In Person In Annapolis, MD Thru July 31st…

Integrative Healing Sessions may include Shamanic Healing, Bach Flower Remedies, Zero Balancing, Body/Energy Therapies, Meditation, Holistic Self-Care and other holistic resources to support transformation and healing on all levels – body, mind, emotion and spirit.

Learn more about Beth’s Take A Break Summer Special Offer and Integrative Transformational Healing Services in July’s Discover The Healer Within E-News

Where To Connect With Beth:



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Twitter: @BethTerrence


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