Creating a Writing Space

by Healmyvoice on July 11, 2014

By Andrea Hylen, Founder and Executive Director of Heal My Voice Screen Shot 2012-08-02 at 6.27.48 AM

When I moved to California in 2010, I was in a huge transition. My husband had died in 2005 after a year long illness. I had been a stay-at-home mom and was homeschooling our youngest daughter. I had been out of the work force for 15 years.

Moving to California gave me a chance to start over. For the first 7 months, my daughter and I lived in youth hostels, extended stay hotels, sublet a room until we agreed on a location and found an apt in Burbank.

I found the “bridge” to the next part of my life through writing to heal. Listening to my own voice and following the inspiration one word after another. The first key to writing was to create a writing routine and space.

Here are some of my tips:



Create a writing environment

*Develop a writing habit

1) Writing in the same place

2) Writing at the same time of day

When my daughter and I moved to Burbank, I developed a habit of going to a coffee shop called Priscilla’s. Every morning, I woke up at 5:30am, meditated for 15 minutes, got dressed and walked the 10 minute walk to Priscilla’s. I would write every morning from about 6-9am.

During the walk, the ideas would begin to flow. I would wave a Good morning to the barista while I opened my computer and took out a notebook and pen. The article or blog or chapter would be pouring through me by the time my fingers touched the keyboard.

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3) Playing music

Every morning I would play the same song. During that time it was Jason Mraz’s “Make it Mine”. The sound of the song would stimulate ideas and structure for my words.

4) Setting a boundary: Create a boundary with time. In the coffee shop, I wore headphones even without listening to something. I let people know that I was writing. Other ideas around setting a boundary are to talk with people you live with and let them know you are writing during a specific time. Put a sign on the door.  Set a timer and write for that amount of time. Make your writing time a priority.

5) Basic security needs:  Take care of your basic needs before starting to write. Food, beverage, temperature of the room. Clean or messy space. Whatever helps you to feel physically comfortable and nourished.

6) Supplies: What do you need? Computer, pens, pencils, internet, dictionary, phone, materials for researching. Headphones.

7) Clear all distractions: Phone call you need to make, errands to run, do a brain dump. Make a list and keep it on the table next to you so you can write down things you will do later. The coffee shop worked for me because of the boundaries and the time of day. No distractions from things in my apartment.

8) Senses: What do you need to relax into writing? Think of all five senses, Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, touch. Candles, flower essences, a blanket, lighting, color. Set up a space that works for you.

9) Timing: Allow for a writing flow and take breaks.

10) Creativity inspirations– Observing the environment around you, inside and out. Taking a class, exercising, reading books. Writing prompts. Walking to the coffee shop and the people who came in stimulated me creatively.

 Now, find your space and start writing!

To connect with Andrea and learn about current projects go to:

 IMG_1306Andrea Hylen believes in the power of a woman’s voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, a Writing and Transition Coach, Orgasmic Meditation Teacher and co- author of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Life. Andrea has discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to celebrate life after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. She currently lives in Los Angeles following the inspiration to collaborate with women in organizations and to travel around the world speaking and leading workshops. Her passion is connecting women to support each other in the full expression of who they are.


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