Who is On Your Team?

by Healmyvoice on January 5, 2015


By Andrea Hylen


Step 4 of setting intentions after…

Choosing a few words. Making Conscious Choices. Reviewing and Staying on Track.


4. Set up a support system for success

Find an accountability buddy. Ask friends, family, peers, or colleagues to support you and see how you can support them. Join a master mind group. Hire a coach. Connect with a program that supports every baby step and giant leap.

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An accountability buddy is someone who agrees to be a “check-in” space for you, a lifeline, and who agrees to check-up on you, if they don’t hear from you. Stay connected. No hiding!

It is important to ask someone who believes in you and who will challenge you to keep going during the good times and the rough times. Usually they do this for free or as part of a barter agreement. Maybe you are their accountability buddy or you exchange an area of your expertise with them.


You may decide to pay to join a master mind group or hire a coach. A master mind group challenges you to set goals, brainstorms with you, shares information, ideas, inspiration and has regularly scheduled accountability calls or meetings. A coach can lead a group or work with you individually on your intentions and each step.

Look at your intentions for the year. Will it support you to hire a professional to advise, reflect, mentor, or even open doors to new information as you create your vision for the year? Are you willing to invest in yourself? You are worth it!

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For example, you may hire a wellness coach to support you in improving your health or a business coach to guide you in building a new business.


One tip about support. There is a difference between people supporting you and people “approving” of you. Filter through the ideas and opinions of others to find the answers that resonate with you. Which ones challenge you with excitement and an increase in energy?

Expect fear that stretches you, not paralyzes you with inaction.


My Dream Team of Support in 2015 includes:

*2 Coaches

*A Board of Directors: Executive Board, Core Board and Advisory Board

*A yearly spiritual course in a sacred on-line space that expands my mind,

*Heal My Voice book circles and member group

and a variety of friends I can reach out to for a phone call now and then, fitness teachers, and experts who I watch and listen to on social media, free teleseminars, youtube videos, newsletters, and media sources, like film, tv and radio.


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Set up your support team now and continue to review it every month. What is working? What do you need? Where do you need to make changes to stay on course with your intentions?




What does your Support Team look like this Year?

We want to hear you Voice! Post in the comments!





Andrea Hylen believes in the power of a woman’s voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, a Writing and Transition Coach and Orgasmic Meditation teacher. Andrea has discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to live life fully after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. She is currently living out of a suitcase following her intuition as she collaborates with women and men in organizations and travels around the world speaking, teaching and leading workshops. Her passion is authentically living life and supporting others in doing the same. To connect with Andrea and learn about current projects go to: www.andreahylen.com and www.healmyvoice.org.




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