Using Blogtalk Radio to Connect to Your Voice: Part 1

by Healmyvoice on July 17, 2014



For several years before I founded the organization, Heal My Voice, I spent time immersed in writing, social media and internet radio. I was discovering and exploring my voice and asking questions about what was next in my life.

My first experience with BlogTalk Radio was as a guest. After attending an Evolutionary Women Retreat in Santa Barbara in 2005, I became determined to bring the retreat to the East Coast. In 2007 that became a reality.

The co-founders. Lucky Sweeny, Bonnie Kelley and I were invited to speak on a variety of shows. I was intrigued by how easy it was to dial in to the show from my phone and have a conversation with the host. Once I was driving through central Missouri on a road trip with my daughter. From a rest stop, I dialed the number from my cell phone and had an hour long conversation from my car. Lucky and Bonnie in California. The radio show host in New Mexico. Me in Missouri at the side of the road. Connected and having a conversation on the air waves. How cool is that!


logo-web2The focus of the call was to talk about the next Evolutionary Women retreat which was scheduled for Oct 2008 and BlogTalk was an easy way to promote it. We talked about women waking up on the planet, conscious evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard and shared the details of how to sign up for the retreat. There was great content and conversation and there was an opportunity to share the info about the retreat and how to sign up for it.


Another radio experience:

In September of 2010. I launched an e-book club to help people discover their own inner journey. I had moved from Maryland to California 10 months earlier and had written a book about my experience of a hero’s journey. One of my sponsors was Kathryn Yarborough, the founder of Flowing with Change.

For Kathryn’s sponsorship, she chose the social media sponsor package. On one of our Skype planning calls, I suggested we coordinate a tele-seminar for her to share more of her work and wisdom and experience. Over two or three conversations, the tele-seminar evolved into a BlogTalk Radio Show called Living on the Edge. We made a one-year commitment to co-host a show twice a month to share a conversation about what it looked like to live on the edge during all of the transitions in 2011.

With all of the changes happening in the world, we took our private conversations and shared them publicly. We weren’t really sure how this would support our businesses but we felt a strong inner calling to share our experiences publicly. Women sharing challenges and solutions.


Getting Started

1) If you do not have a Blog Talk account. Go sign up. I had an account for years just for listening to shows. It is free. It is like signing up for a newsletter or mailing list or Facebook or Twitter account. Set up the account. You cannot change your username but you can change the name for the show, if you decide on a different name. When Kathryn and I started our show. We used my account and changed the name from Andrea Hylen to Living on the Edge.

2) Go listen to some shows. Find categories that interest you.

3) Blogtalk has lots of tutorials and on Youtube you can search and find people offering ideas and suggestions.


Tomorrow I will share some more experiences of using Blogtalk with individuals and groups and I will share another tip.


Share your experiences with Blogtalk in the comments section. We love to hear Your Voice!


To connect with Andrea and learn about current projects go to:

 IMG_1306Andrea Hylen believes in the power of a woman’s voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, a Writing and Transition Coach, Orgasmic Meditation Teacher and co- author of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Life. Andrea has discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to celebrate life after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. She currently lives in Los Angeles following the inspiration to collaborate with women in organizations and to travel around the world speaking and leading workshops. Her passion is connecting women to support each other in the full expression of who they are.


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