The Rejuvenating Power of Maverick Living By Sandy McDougall, Guest Blogger

by Healmyvoice on October 28, 2014

After decades of being a responsible partner, mother, and major manager of my family household, I went on my summer 2014 Maverick Road Trip and took a 5-week long hiatus from it all. Wow! That was truly refreshing.

After much business building from my desk and office, I took the show on the road, inventing ways for my work to continue using the powers of technology and my own ingenuity. Wow! That was truly refreshing.

After many weeks experiencing summer in the suburbs, I found myself in mountains, on lakes, in the woods, by the ocean, and out traveling on the open road. Wow! That was truly refreshing.

After long months of communicating with many dear friends and family only intermittently and primarily by phone and email, I was actually in their homes re-connecting with them in person. Wow! That was truly refreshing.

After years of dreaming about combining adventure and creativity with purposeful work providing positive energy to others, my dream became reality. Wow! That was truly refreshing.

After I committed 100% to the Maverick Road Trip, any number of creative ideas came to me about how to make the experience more fun, more fruitful, more effective, and more meaningful to me and to those I met. Wow! That was truly refreshing.

To read the rest of the blog, click here:



Sandy McDougall spent decades being a hard-working, responsible woman. She completed 2 degrees, raised 3 sons, learned 4 languages, lived in 5 states, served on 6 boards of directors, competed in 7 different sports, and held 8 different jobs.

Recently, she reclaimed her fun-loving Maverick spirit. She is now an avid speaker, writer, inspirational coach, and advocate for successful Maverick working and living. Sandy is the creator of the Maverick Road Trip concept. She is also your “go-to person” if you decide that you are ready to break some mold and discover what you truly want to do and who you truly want to be. (for blogs and more)

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